Q: Do I need to purchase the Kidmando T-Shirt

Purchasing the Kidmando T-shirts are not mandatory, however we do recommend it.   The T-shirts allow for the kids to remain fairly cool during the class and offer a team bond with all kids wearing the same T-shirt, the T-shirts can also have your childs name printed to make it special to them. 

Q: What is KIDMANDO?

Kidmando run outdoor active session for kids! We focus on Fundamental Movement Skills nd running around fun outside. Our goal is to provide a fun environment for kids to play, have fun, meet new friends all while developing their core motor skills and enjoying being ourside in nature. 

Q: What do the kids DO at a Kidmando session?

Active Tots: During our Active Tots classes, we engage little ones with songs, bubbles, simple yet varied obstacle courses, parachute play and skill activities to help little ones develop their Fundamental Movement Skills and see just what their little bodies can do!
Kidmando Kids: Depending on location, classes will be focused on Fundamental Movement Skills or Multisport. Classes start with a warm up circle, then we'll introduce a FMS skill or sport for the class and challenge the children with skill activities and fun running around games.   

Q: What is a typical class structure?

We like to start with a welcome and quick warm up game to get everyone’s blood flowing!
Then we will work on some of our Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). For our younger kids we’ll focus on one or two components at a time, eventually combining them into a full FMS Course. For the older kids we’ll get them to go through different FMS and Obstacle courses.
Then after a little water break we’ll do some fun group or team games with lots of running/chasing. 
Lastly we do some activity with a parachute and sing a song or two before wrapping up. 
We gather at the end to go review some things each child had done well that session and they get a sticker or stamp. Regular attendees recieve a progress chart of key areas which is reviewed and a sticker is added in which area that child did well at that day. 
We would like to keep the general structure of the class consistent for the kids, but make it exciting and interesting with different games and activities too.  

Q: Why Kidmando?

Kidmando is unique. We don’t focus on one particular sport or activity but use many structured, inclusive, activities to help children develop their gross motor skills. Through fun and engaging games we encourage kids to enjoy being outside, get some exercise, make some friends and have some fun.

Learning through play coupled with the natural benefits of the great outdoors! What's better than that?! 

Q: How does Kidmando benefit my child?

We focus on developing children’s Fundamental Movement Skills. Fundamental movement skills are very important in the physical development of a child. When a child is confident and competent with these skills, they can develop sport-specific and complex movement skills that allow them to enjoy sport and physical activity. Most importantly, having a firm grasp of the fundamental movement skills and being physically literate leads a child to enjoy a long life of physical activity.  Plus, everyone benefits from fresh air, exercise, fun and engaging with peers.

Q: What are Fundamental Movement Skills?

Fundamental Movement Skills are skills that form the basis of all physical activities and sports. There are 12 Fundamental Movement Skills which are divided into three subgroups; objective control skills, locomotor skills and Balance Skills.

Object Control Skills involve the control of an object through use of body movement. Examples include catching, kicking, overhead throw, striking, bouncing and underarm roll.

Locomotor Skills are those which allow progression from one location or position to another through body movements.  Examples include running, leaping, hopping, sliding, galloping and jumping.

Balance Skills is the controlled balance of the body.  Examples include balance beam walking, yoga and stretching, hopping, standing on one leg.

We also encourage and consider Awareness Skills at Kidmando that include listening, working with and respecting others and spacial awareness.

Waitlist and class capasity

We try to keep classes to manageable sizes to enusure a  quality experience for all kids.  If you have tried to join a class but find yourself on a waitlist, we will get in touch with you when a spot become available.

How do I book a class?

Before you join one of our classes, we suggest you first attend a trial class. Fill in a Trial Request, then wait for a member of our team to let you know availablity.   REQUEST A TRIAL

To enable 'booking in' to classes, you much first REGISTER which will give you a user id and password to log in. 

Active Tots:
After your trial class, you can then join for the rest of that months booking (space pending). You can regiser your interest HERE

Kidmando 2yr+:
After your trial class, if there is space you may join class for that term. Terms run for 8 or 10 weeks. If you have joined mid term, fees will be prorated. If a class is full, you can still registr your interest and join the class waitinglist. To see all available term classes, look HERE

If you have secured a spot in class (no on the waitlist) and are able to make payment, your spot in class will be confirmed. 

Q: What is the duration of a class?

Tots classes are 30min while classes for 2yrs+ run around 45min. We ask that you arrive 5-10min before class start time to sign and check in. 

We often take a cue from the kids. If it’s a particularly hot day or kids don’t have a lot of energy we will keep class time closer to 30min. Also if kids are very engaged and have lots of energy to burn, we are happy to run a long session.  We do take several small water breaks too in between games. It’s important for kids to catch their breath and in the hot weather hydration is important.

Q: Do parents need to participate in the class?

Our Tots classes for 2yrs and under are parent accomanied and require your full involvment.

For classes for 2yrs up, parent engagment will depend on the child. This is not a drop off class, so a parent or guardian needs to be present on the sidlines in case they are needed by the child. With the younger age groups some parent participation might be required depending on your child. Part of the goal of our class is to build up your child’s confidence so they can learn and play and interact on their own... of course it’s always fun to have mummy and daddy join in too.

During new restriction times, we ask that parents DO NOT join their child in class (except for Tots). They will need to stay safe distance on or near matts provided or within safe distance and eyesight of class

Q: Can my helper bring my child to the class?

YES! We are more than happy if it’s a helper or other care taker that brings your child to class.

Please ensure a spot has been booked for class and that any non-parent caregiver knows the child's full name, contact number for the parent and is aware of all of the requirements for attending class: safe distancing, staying near class (no drop off), being attentive to the child in their charge, arrive 5-10min before class start time. 

Q: Do you do birthday parties and children’s events?

Yes, contact us for details on how Kidmando can help to make your child’s party an event to be remembered! We can utilize any open / green spaces in your neighborhood, condo or home garden.

Kidmando has a team of coaches and we can cater for small or large events that suit your requirements.

Q: What do I need to bring to each class?

Children should wear footwear suitable for running and sports as well as appropriate clothes. A full water bottle is a must and as we are running, crawling, jumping, rolling around in grassy areas, we suggest using some mosquito bite prevention too.

Q: What if it rains?

We are always happy to run the class in the rain, as long as the kids are keen and it’s safe to do so (not a total wash out and no thunder/lightning etc).   

For our Tots classes, we understand that it's not so easy to get out and about with a very little one in tow in the rain. If weather looks wet, your Coach will be in contact with you regarding class going ahead or not. 

For Kidmando classes of 2yr+, if it rains we try to persever! A little rain never hurt! If a class does go ahead, no credits or make up classes will be awarded to those that choose not to attend. 

Lets teach our kids to be resilient! Some of the best fun we can have is running around in the rain!


Q: Cancellations

Active Tots class:
If for any reason you are unable to make your scheduled class, please inform us with as much notice as possible. If we are able to fill your spot in class (we often have waitlists) you will recieve a credit for your class to be used the next month. 1 credit class per month can be issued. No credit will be issued for no shows or short notice cancellations.
If class is cancelled by Kidamndo due to bad weather, a credit will be issued to be used durning the next month. 

Kidmando 2yr+
If you are not able to attend a scheduled class, you can make up that class at one of our other classes for the same age group (pending availability) or during 'make up week' at the end of term.  
This is a rain or shine. We want to enstil perseverance in kids and encourage in them in the face of adversity! Remember: getting wet DOES NOT mean getting sick. f a wet weather class does go ahead, no credits will be issued to those that choose not to attend. However, if conditions are unsafe (very heavy rain or lightning) we will cancel class and offer a makeup class during makeup week.